A global movement transforming business and management education through research and leadership.
腾讯市值跌出全球前十;摩拜起诉滴滴青桔侵权;疑似滴滴 ...:2021-10-10 · 原标题:腾讯市值跌出全球前十;摩拜起诉滴滴青桔侵权;疑似滴滴收购ofo意向书曝光,双方否认疑似滴滴收购ofo意向书曝光,但当事双方均否认昨日晚间消息,科技自媒体「略大参考」昨日发文曝光了一伇据称「从接近ofo核心人士处获得的投资意向书」,该投资意向书显示,滴滴
Business and management schools as well as other management-related higher education institutions play a key role in shaping the mindsets and skills of future leaders and can be powerful drivers of corporate sustainability.
PRME's vision is to realize the Sustainable Development Goals through responsible management education.